7 Collaborative Coding Tools for Remote Pair Programming – SitePoint

2. CodeTogether: CodeTogether is a browser-based tool that supports pair programming, code reviews, and group coding sessions in popular IDEs like Eclipse, IntelliJ IDEA, and Visual Studio Code.

3. CodePen: CodePen is a popular online code editor that allows developers to collaborate on front-end projects in real-time.

4. Collabedit: Collabedit is a simple online code editor that supports real-time collaboration for pair programming and code reviews.

5. Floobits: Floobits is a platform that allows developers to collaborate on code editing and debugging in real-time across different IDEs and text editors.

6. Codeanywhere: Codeanywhere is a cloud-based IDE that supports real-time collaboration for remote pair programming and group coding sessions.

7. Kobra: Kobra is a collaborative coding tool that allows developers to work together on code editing and debugging in real-time, with support for multiple programming languages and IDEs.

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