50 fonts that will be popular with designers in 2025 – Creative Boom

Helvetica Neue
3. Avenir
4. Proxima Nova
5. Gotham
6. Montserrat
7. Lato
8. Roboto
9. Open Sans
10. Poppins
11. Playfair Display
12. Raleway
13. Source Sans Pro
14. Ubuntu
15. Nunito
16. Merriweather
17. Josefin Sans
18. Karla
19. Quicksand
20. Oswald
21. Exo
22. Noto Sans
23. Titillium Web
24. Dosis
25. Cabin
26. Muli
27. Oxygen
28. Arimo
29. Overpass
30. Hind
31. Cormorant
32. Antic
33. Fjalla One
34. Bebas Neue
35. Poppins
36. Railway
37. Amatic SC
38. Archivo
39. Arvo
40. Bitter
41. Comfortaa
42. Concert One
43. Cuprum
44. Droid Serif
45. Geo
46. Gloria Hallelujah
47. Gruppo
48. IM Fell
49. Istok Web
50. Jura

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